
Camping Permit Information

C. Camping. In any district which allows camping, the following standards shall apply:
[Amended 6-17-2021 by Ord. No. 21-12]

(1) Camping units shall, as applicable, remain mobile (e.g., wheels left on and no skirting), have a current license and self-containment facilities. A permissible camping unit is limited to a camping trailer, conversion van, motor home, park model, pickup truck with camper or a tent.

(2) An annual permit issued by the Zoning Administrator is required for seasonal camping on any lot on which a single-family residence does not exist. The camping season shall be April 14 through November 30.

(3) Off-season camping permit. Camping is permitted from December 1 through April 14 only upon issuance of an off-season camping permit by the Zoning Administrator. Such camping is limited to no more than two occurrences for a cumulative total of no more than 21 days during any off-season period. A separate permit is required for each occurrence and will only be issued upon proof that the camping unit will be connected to either a municipal sanitary sewer system or has direct access to a private on-site waste treatment system approved by the State of Wisconsin and Adams County.

(4) Guest camping permit. Additional camping units, to be occupied by guests of a lot owner, shall be subject to the following limits: One guest camping unit for parcels five acres in size or less, and one additional guest camping unit for each additional one acre of lot size, not to exceed 10 guest camping units, shall be permitted on a lot in any district which allows camping between April 15 and October 15 of each calendar year for no more than three nonsequential periods of a maximum of 10 days each in duration. At least 15 days must elapse between each such period. A guest camping permit issued by the Town of Rome is required for each additional camping unit. Additional camping units in the LD Lake District shall be subject to § 360-60B.

(5) Water/septic requirements.

     (a) Commencing on January 1, 2012, camping may not occur on a lot on which a single-family residence does not exist unless said lot satisfies both of the following requirements:

          [1] Is either connected to water service offered by the Rome Water Utility or is served by a private, code-compliant well providing potable water; and

          [2] Is connected to a municipal sanitary sewer system or is directly served by a private on-site waste treatment system as defined in § 145.01(12), Wis. Stats., or is attached to a transfer container that is installed pursuant to the regulations set forth in Section 3-2.08 of the Adams County Private On-site Waste Treatment Systems Ordinance.

     (b) Notwithstanding Subsection C(6)(a)[2] herein, portable toilets and vault privies are prohibited in these districts. Composting, chemical and incinerating toilets are permitted only if completely within the camping unit.

F. Outside storage. Except for the following items, there shall be no outside storage of personal property during the period of December 1 through April 14 on any lot in a recorded residential subdivision unless the lot contains a single-family dwelling:
    (1) Two watercrafts (must be owned by property owner).

    (2) One picnic table.

May be submitted online (Please see below)
May also be purchased in person at Rome Outdoors (Next to Kwik Trip)

Rome Outdoors Hours:
Summer Hours:                                                                           Winter Hours:
Monday – Saturday from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.                          Monday – Saturday from 6:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday from 6:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.                                             Sunday from 6:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Live Map of 2025 Camping Permits

Click to Apply and Pay Online