Bird Information


The Town of Rome boasts one of the most distinctive habitats in the country. Once the bed of a glacial lake, Rome’s landscape is comprised of spectacular sand barrens and rolling pines. Home to the endangered Kirtland Warbler, Whooping Crane, Clay Colored Sparrow, and Karner Blue butterfly, the Town of Rome is a bucket list destination for nature-enthusiast and birders. Walk, hike, bike and enjoy the rare beauty that surrounds you.

The Town of Rome has once again achieved “Sustained Flight” status in the Bird City Wisconsin Program.
In 2016, the Town of Rome became the 96th community in the state to officially be recognized as a Bird City. Since 2016, Rome has annually submitted applications and received acceptance for Bird City Renewal. With this 2020 Membership Renewal, Rome joins more than 100 Bird City Wisconsin communities. 

How to Make Your Yard Bird-Friendly

"Birds are nature’s messengers, and they're broadcasting loud and clear: They are already experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change and habitat loss, and these dangers will only grow over time.

In the face of these threats, you can help birds thrive right where you live by making your yard more bird-friendly. Follow the steps below to create a patch of vibrant habitat that attracts colorful birds and their sweet melodies. If you don’t have a yard, you can still help birds by creating a native plant container garden on your patio or balcony. Even very small patches of habitat provide tired, hungry birds with exactly what they need, particularly during migration.

The secret to success lies in choosing locally native plants, which brim with nutritious insects, berries, nectar, and seeds and give birds vital refuge."

For more information:

How to find native plants for your area:

For more information about birding opportunities in Rome, visit the Visit Rome Bird Watching Landing Page (


Rome's Pinterest Page

Check out our Birding Board on our Pinterest page. It has lots of great DIY ideas for bird feeders, bird houses and birding.

Cats Indoor Initiative

Cats and Birds can be a diasterous combination. "Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover.

The ecological dangers are so critical that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists domestic cats as one of the world’s worst non-native invasive species." (Information from the American Bird Conservancy)

Looking for more ways to live a "bird friendly" life? Visit the American Bird Conservancy website here.

12 Tips on How To STOP Birds From Flying Into Windows

Read the WorldBirds.Org Suggestions HERE.