- To find information necessary to operate a Short-Term Rental in the Town of Rome – New Short-Term Rental Packet
- Already licensed for Short-Term Rental and need your renewal packet? – Renewal Short-Term Rental Packet
- To see the full versions of regulations related to the operation of Short-Term Rentals – Short-term Rental Ordinances
Short-term Rentals (STRs) have gained in popularity in the Town of Rome over the last several years. The Town is often asked about how STRs are regulated and what restrictions apply to those looking to rent short-term. It’s important to note that under Wisconsin State Statutes 66.1014, the Town cannot restrict STR operation, which is defined by statute as a residential dwelling that is offered for rent for a fee and for fewer than 29 consecutive days. The Town makes every effort to monitor existing STRs in compliance with the ordinance and to educate property owners who may be renting and are unaware of Town ordinances. It is for that reason the Town, in partnership with Visit Rome, WI, implemented Host Compliance software.
Host Compliance assists municipalities in researching and enforcing STR regulations. The company’s software monitors hundreds of websites on a daily basis, identifying advertising STRs in the Town and comparing that list to properties in compliance with the ordinance. In addition to monitoring and advising the Town of STRs, the company also provides a 24/7 hotline for neighbors to report problems. The hotline is now active and ready for Town of Rome residents to use. The hotline phone number is (715) 504-6244 or residents can report problems through a website link at
When a resident contacts Host Compliance through the 24/7 hotline, the emergency contact for the STR in question will be contacted and given an opportunity to resolve the issue. If they are unable to resolve the issue in a timely fashion, Host Compliance will escalate the issue to the appropriate agency, whether that is law enforcement, zoning department, etc.
Host Compliance & Short-Term Rentals
TAX BILLS should be mailed by the 3rd Monday in December.
Please call the Adams County Treasurer at 608-339-4202 if you need to change your mailing address.
Need to know what your taxes are but didn’t get your Tax Bill yet? You can follow the link below and get a copy of your tax bill from the Adams County site. Just type in your last name and press enter. Then click on Taxes –
Lottery & Gaming Credit:
- Any property owner whose property is also their primary residence, and has been for minimum one year, qualifies to apply for the lottery credit. If you are not sure if you have one, you can check on your tax bill or contact our office. If you do not have one, please click on link below, print/fill out form, and return to our office.
Wisconsin Dept of Revenue Lottery Credit Forms - For more information on the Lottery and Gaming Credit, please click on the link below.
Lottery Credit FAQS
Please see the Town of Rome’s Mobile Food Vending Ordinance. Those interested in Mobile Food Vending should complete a License Application and submit to the Town of Rome with proof of insurance as outlined in the Town Code.
All dogs in the Town of Rome must be licensed by the time they turn 6 months old and must have their rabies vaccination.
Dog tags run from January 1st through December 31st and can be purchased during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday), in the 24-hour drop box in the Town Hall vestibule or by mailing your payment to the Town of Rome Treasurer at 1156 Alpine Drive, Nekoosa, WI 54457.
If purchased from:
January 1st – March 31st :
$8.00 spayed/neutered
$13.00 Male/Female
If purchased from:
April 1st – December 31st:
$13.00 spayed/neutered
$18.00 Male/Female
You must provide a valid rabies Vaccination Certificate (please include a copy with your mailed or dropped off payment). All mailed or dropped off certificates will be mailed back with your dog tag(s).
Unlicensed dogs are subject to a minimum fine of $111.40.
Please call 715-325-8023 for any questions.