Rome Town Center Park

Pavilion 2

The Parks and Recreation Committee is pleased to present draft plans for the Center Park Bandshell/Pavilion.  The building was designed by ArcCentral.  The Parks and Recreation Committee is looking for feedback on the proposed building on or before March 9th, when it will be presented to the Plan Commission for recommendation to the Town Board.  The plans are on display in the vestibule of Town Hall and at the Public Library for feedback.

The committee welcomes your feedback and ideas.  Please share ideas or comments with Supervisor Bob Baurhyte,

Pavilion 3

This is an exciting project which will eventually become an outstanding placemaking space for our community.  The committee hopes to see the venue start to take shape this summer, along with new grass growing in the Great Lawn area.

The total cost for the Bandshell/Pavilion is to be determined through a bidding process, however, the Town has secured a grant from the Legacy Foundation and Destination Marketing Organization, Visit Rome, WI, to assist with the cost.

Pavilion 1
Pavilion 4