Solar Array Project Information

2025 Solar Information:

To date, the PSC has not received the project application for the Akron Solar project; however the pre-application engineering plan was filed on the PSC’s electronic records filing (ERF) system under docket 9832-CE-100.

Because the project is expected to have a capacity of up to 200 megawatts (MW) of solar capacity and 200 MW of energy storage, the applicant is required to receive a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) from the PSC prior to construction.  The engineering plan notes that the CPCN application filing is anticipated to occur in the first quarter of 2025.

Should you want to follow along with the case, you may find it helpful to subscribe to the docket and receive an e-mail notification whenever a document is filed.  By accessing this link, you can subscribe to the docket using the ERF-EZ Subscriptions tool. (See screenshot below.) Simply add the docket ID (9832-CE-100), your email address, and then request a code.

The views expressed in the section below were provided by NextEra Energy and do not reflect the official stance of the Town of Rome. The information is solely for general information and education.

2024 Solar Information:

2023 Solar Information:

The Town of Rome was recently informed of prospective efforts in the potential location of a large-scale solar facility in our community.  The developer, NextEra Energy, requested a meeting with the Town Board for informational purposes which was held on June 15, 2023.  As the project was introduced by company representatives we learned it is very early in the process. They continue to assess whether the community is suitable for a renewable energy project while they evaluate existing infrastructure, land suitability and conduct environmental surveys.  If those assessments warrant further interest in development, a large-scale solar project would be subject to the state approval process under the regulations of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.

The Town of Rome recognizes the potential impact such a project would have on our Town and its residents.  The Town will continue to work proactively to anticipate challenges and develop solutions as needed to protect the interests of the Town of Rome and minimize the impact on our community.  NextEra Energy representatives have committed to return in the near future to host a Town Hall meeting to answer questions concerning the project.  As we receive any additional information we will use the Town’s website as the official source to share information and resources as they become available.  Please subscribe to website updates if you haven’t already, to be informed as we post new information.

Additional Resources: